Red: passionate, the color of hearts and flames, attracts attention and speed up metabolism. Pink is associated with romance. Deep red looks aristocratic.The most physical or active of color _ slowest frequency of the visible light spectrum. Life force, power, anger, violence, stimulant, danger, stop. Full of life. Relating to conscious existence. Hot.
Yellow: Lively, happy, the color of sunshine and daffodils. Bright yellow can be oppressive, pale yellow breezy and springlike.Sunshine. Bright and cheery. Caution. Coward (yellow). Associated with fear. Creativity from intuitive forces or illumination. Warm.
Green: Tranquil, pastoral, the color of trees, grass. Associated with spring, fertility, poison, jealousy. Dark green is eloquent bringing to mind the deep quiet of a pine forest. Blue combined with yellow. The tranquil spirit of blue with the cheery creativity of yellow. A balanced color denoting health. The color of regeneration and growth. Harmony. Ugly shades of green which almost make you sick are the opposite and can indicate pessimism and deceit. Cool and warm depending on hue.
Blue: The color of sky and sea it has a calming effect but is also powerful, the strongest of the colors after red. Light blues looks young and sporty, navy dignified and wealthy.Spiritual, calm, moody (feeling blue), tranquilizer. Associated with will power or control of self. Cool to cold.
Purple: Sophisticated, associated with royalty.Combination of red and blue. The highest vibration (fastest frequency) of the visible light spectrum. Denotes knowledge of the spiritual in conscious existence. The color of earthly rule - royalty. Cool and warm depending on hue
Brown: Rich, fertile like soil. Also sad, wistfullike leaves in autumn. Also suggests a rustic, natural or opulent look as in leather.Fertile, organic, practical. That which is not pretty in itself but out of which beauty can grow.
White: Purity, virginity, innocence, peace. Can also be associated with sterility and winter.Purity. It is made up of all color therefore is complete.
Black: The color of night and death, often linked with evil, wealth and elegance.The Hidden. Ignorance. Absence of white. Mystery
Orange: Combination of red and yellow. Active and creative. Frenzy of activity. Sour and sweet combined as in the taste of the fruit of the orange. Warm to hot.
Silver: Spiritual truths. Intuitive from the superconscious. The moon relating to the subconscious reflecting the light of the superconscious. Often associated with nautical things in my dreams which also are spiritual truths. Cool.
Gold: The overcomer of the earth. The crown. The superconscious spiritual truths brought into reality of conscious life in the earth. Symbol of the higher self. Sun's direct illumination. Superconscious spiritual truths coming unfiltered and unreflected by subconscious directly into consciousness. "Fruits of the spirit" manifesting on earth. Warm.
Pink: Joy, Love. Warm.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Posted by charries palabrica at 9:40 AM
Labels: color meaning/symbolisms
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