Monday, August 4, 2008


Red Rose — Love, passion, romance, beauty, courage and respect./"I LOVE YOU".

Pink Rose — Elegance, grace, appreciation, perfect happiness,joy, sympathy,sweetness, admiration and gentleness./"THANK YOU,PLEASE BELIEVE ME".

Yellow Rose — Fun, friendship, take care, joy, gladness, delight, welcome back, promise of a new beginning,remember me and jealousy."I CARE".

Yellow Rose with red tip - Friendship and falling in love./"I'VE FALLEN FOR YOU".

White Rose — Purity, innocence, silence, secrecy, reverence, himility, youthfulness,heavenly./" I AM WORTHY OF YOU".

Black Rose — farewell

Lavendar Rose — Love at first sight and enchantment

Orange Rose - desire,enthusiasm and fascination

Peach Rose - appreciation, closing the deal,lets get together, gratitude and sincerity.

Blue Rose - the unattainable, the impossible

1 Rose means — You are the one
2 Roses mean — Deeply in love with one another
3 Roses mean — I love you
6 Roses mean — I wanna be yours
7 Roses mean — I’m infatuated with you
9 Roses mean — Together as long as we live
10 Roses mean — You are perfect
11 Roses mean — You are my treasured one
12 Roses mean — Be my steady
13 Roses mean — Secret Admirer
15 Roses mean — Please forgive me
20 Roses mean — I am sincere towards you
21 Roses mean — I am devoted to you
24 Roses mean — Can’t stop thinking about you
33 Roses mean — Saying “I love you” with great affection
36 Roses mean — I will remember our romantic moments
40 Roses mean — My love for you is genuine
50 Roses mean — Regretless love
99 Roses mean — I will love you for as long as I live
100 Roses mean — Harmoniously together
101 Roses mean — You are my one and only love
108 Roses mean — Will you mary me?
365 Roses mean — Can’t stop thinking about you
999 Roses mean — Eternal love


Red: passionate, the color of hearts and flames, attracts attention and speed up metabolism. Pink is associated with romance. Deep red looks aristocratic.The most physical or active of color _ slowest frequency of the visible light spectrum. Life force, power, anger, violence, stimulant, danger, stop. Full of life. Relating to conscious existence. Hot.

Yellow: Lively, happy, the color of sunshine and daffodils. Bright yellow can be oppressive, pale yellow breezy and springlike.Sunshine. Bright and cheery. Caution. Coward (yellow). Associated with fear. Creativity from intuitive forces or illumination. Warm.

Green: Tranquil, pastoral, the color of trees, grass. Associated with spring, fertility, poison, jealousy. Dark green is eloquent bringing to mind the deep quiet of a pine forest. Blue combined with yellow. The tranquil spirit of blue with the cheery creativity of yellow. A balanced color denoting health. The color of regeneration and growth. Harmony. Ugly shades of green which almost make you sick are the opposite and can indicate pessimism and deceit. Cool and warm depending on hue.

Blue: The color of sky and sea it has a calming effect but is also powerful, the strongest of the colors after red. Light blues looks young and sporty, navy dignified and wealthy.Spiritual, calm, moody (feeling blue), tranquilizer. Associated with will power or control of self. Cool to cold.

Purple: Sophisticated, associated with royalty.Combination of red and blue. The highest vibration (fastest frequency) of the visible light spectrum. Denotes knowledge of the spiritual in conscious existence. The color of earthly rule - royalty. Cool and warm depending on hue

Brown: Rich, fertile like soil. Also sad, wistfullike leaves in autumn. Also suggests a rustic, natural or opulent look as in leather.Fertile, organic, practical. That which is not pretty in itself but out of which beauty can grow.

White: Purity, virginity, innocence, peace. Can also be associated with sterility and winter.Purity. It is made up of all color therefore is complete.

Black: The color of night and death, often linked with evil, wealth and elegance.The Hidden. Ignorance. Absence of white. Mystery

Orange: Combination of red and yellow. Active and creative. Frenzy of activity. Sour and sweet combined as in the taste of the fruit of the orange. Warm to hot.

Silver: Spiritual truths. Intuitive from the superconscious. The moon relating to the subconscious reflecting the light of the superconscious. Often associated with nautical things in my dreams which also are spiritual truths. Cool.

Gold: The overcomer of the earth. The crown. The superconscious spiritual truths brought into reality of conscious life in the earth. Symbol of the higher self. Sun's direct illumination. Superconscious spiritual truths coming unfiltered and unreflected by subconscious directly into consciousness. "Fruits of the spirit" manifesting on earth. Warm.

Pink: Joy, Love. Warm.


Who your guardian angel is depends on what day of the week you were born.

ST. GABRIEL (Monday),Special Messenger of God
St. Gabriel is the bearer of God's secret messages to His chosen ones. He is the Angel who announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary God's plan for her to be the Mother of His Son, Jesus (Luke 1:19). He was also the Angel who foretold to Daniel the end of the world. (Dan. 8:19; 9:21).

ST. RAPHAEL (Tuesday),Healer & Guide for the Christian Pilgrim
St. Raphael is the Archangel of the Christian's journey to heaven. He is assigned by God to accompany us along the way of our pilgrimage in search of the treasures of real happiness which God has in store for all His children. He also gives the light to discern correctly God's ways and protects us from the dangers that befall us on our way to our heavenly home. As his name Raphael connotes, "medicine of God," he is the Angel that brings good health and abundant provisions during our journey. (Tob. 8:3; 12:15).

St. URIEL (Wednesday),Archangel of Justice
St. Uriel, with the weighing scale in his hand, reminds us of divine justice that weighs according to its true worth whatever good we do and whatever doings we commit in relation to God, to our neighbors or to ourselves, both as individuals and as a community of nations. He also reminds us of the terrible judgment of God upon the world for the human pride and godlessness with which human affairs are conducted. These are now fast bringing mankind towards the throes of its own destruction. (Book of Henoch and IV Esd. 4, 1).

ST. SEALTIEL (Thursday),Archangel of Worship & Contemplation
St. Sealtiel continually stands before God, with incenser in hand in unceasing adoration of the Most Holy Trinity. As the Archangel of contemplation and worship, his angelic purity transforms the love and worship which we mortals give to God. We need St. Sealtiel's powerful intercession before God's throne to overcome the evils of hedonism in our day. May the evils of drug addition, sex exploitation and abortion become things of discredited past. May endless hymns of praise rise from all peoples as they chant in union with the Heavenly Choirs of Angels, in perpetual thanksgiving for God's bountiful blessings. He is known to be the angel who stopped Abraham from killing his son Isaac as a sacrifice. (Gen. 22:12)

ST. JHUDIEL (Friday),Archangel of Divine Mercy
God's mercy comes to us every moment of our lives. Without it, we would die. With it, God provides us the graces we need for our bodies. Mercy is God's love helping us fight the temptations of life and obtain forgiveness for our sins. Mercy is grace for bodily and spiritual needs. Mercy is God Himself through the merits of Jesus Christ bringing us back to our Heavenly Home.

ST. BARACHIEL (Saturday),Archangel of Divine Providence
Through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ, His passion, death and resurrection, all His disciples are brought to a transforming union with Him. Through His transformation in love, the soul becomes Christ-like. As such, every Christ-like soul becomes, by adoption, the child of the Father. St. Barachiel is the Archangel who was assigned by God to keep watch over His adopted children, taking care that He and the Choirs of Angels assigned to the task guard these transformed souls in all their ways, bearing them up in their hands, "lest they dash their feet against the stone on their way to their heavenly home." (Psalm 91, 12)

ST. MICHAEL (Sunday),Prince of Heavenly Hosts (MY GUARDIAN ANGEL)
St. Michael is the Commander-in-Chief of all the hierarchies of the Heavenly Hosts. He is usually known as the Angel who defeated Lucifer and his followers in the first rebellion of creatures against God. By his battlecry: "Mi-ca-El" which means "Who is like unto God?", he was named Michael. He is the first defender of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mystery of the Incarnation. He is usually associated with the miracles manifesting the almighty power of God with the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Dan. 10:12; 12:1; Apoc. 12:7).


BIRTH STONE: Modern- Traditional- Mystical

Garnet (dark red)

Amethyst (purple)

Aquamarine (pale blue)

Diamond (white)

Emerald (green)

Pearl (cream)


Ruby (red)


Peridot (olive green)


Sapphire (deep blue)

Opal (irridescent)

Topaz (golden yellow)


Turquoise (turquoise blue)


Traditional Modern

1st Paper Clocks
2nd Cotton China
3rd Leather Crystal, Glass
4th Fruit/Flowers Electrical Appliances
5th Wood Silverware
6th Candy/Iron Wood
7th Wool, Copper Desk Sets
8th Bronze, Pottery Linens, Lace
9th Pottery, Willow Leather
10th Tin, Aluminum Diamond Jewelry
11th Steel Fashion Jewelry
12th Silk, Linen Pearls, Colored Gems
13th Lace Textiles, Furs
14th Ivory Gold Jewelry
15th Crystal Watches
20th China Platinum
25th Silver Silver
30th Pearl Diamond
35th Coral Jade
40th Ruby Ruby
45th Sapphire Sapphire
50th Gold Gold
55th Emerald Emerald
60th Diamond Diamond
75th Diamond Diamond


The Chinese zodiac signs are determined by the lunar year in which you were born. The Chinese believe the animal ruling one's birth year has a profound influence on personality, and destiny. The saying is: "This animal hides in your heart."
Unlike Western astrology, it does not look the heavenly constellations or planets to predict one's destiny. Rather, Chinese astrology deals with divining sciences of wuxing or the five elements (earth, fire, water, metal, wood), Yin and Yang, Chi, and the cycles of time.

Legend has it that inception of the Chinese zodiac signs began when the Buddha beckoned all the animals to bid him farewell before his departure from the Earth. Only twelve arrived at his summoning, and so those were given a place of honor in a year being named after each.

You can determine your animal sign by referring to the year you were born and matching it up with the corresponding animal in the chart below.

Years Corresponding to Chinese Zodiac Signs:

Rat 1900 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
Ox 1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
Tiger 1902 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
Rabbit 1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
Dragon 1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
Snake 1905 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
Horse 1906 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
Sheep 1907 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
Monkey 1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
Rooster 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
Dog 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
Boar 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

Element: Water
Partners well with: Dragon & Monkey
Characteristics: Intelligent, adaptable, quick-witted, charming, artistic, sociable (2008 is the year of the Rat, click here for more information about this on my blog)

Element: Earth
Partners well with: Snake & Rooster
Characteristics: Loyal, reliable, thorough, strong, reasonable, steady, determined

Element: Wood
Partners well with: Horse & Dog
Characteristics: Enthusiastic, courageous, ambitious, leadership, confidence, charismatic Click here for more Chinese symbolic meanings for Tiger.

Element: Wood
Partners well with: Sheep & Boar
Characteristics: Trustworthy, empathic, modest, diplomatic, sincere, sociable, caretakers

Element: Earth
Partners well with: Rat & Monkey
Characteristics: Lucky, flexible, eccentric, imaginative, artistic, spiritual, charismatic

Element: Fire
Partners well with: Rooster & Ox
Characteristics: Philosophical, organized, intelligent, intuitive, elegant, attentive, decisive

Element: Fire
Partners well with: Dog & Tiger
Characteristics: Adaptable, loyal, courageous, ambitious, intelligent, adventurous, strong (see also Horse symbol meanings.

Element: Earth
Partners well with: Boar & Rabbit
Characteristics: Tasteful, crafty, warm, elegant, charming, intuitive, sensitive, calm

Element: Metal
Partners well with: Dragon & Rat
Characteristics: Quick-witted, charming, lucky, adaptable, bright, versatile, lively, smart

Element: Metal
Partners well with: Snake & Ox
Characteristics: Honest, energetic, intelligent, flamboyant, flexible, diverse, confident. For more information on Rooster Symbol meanings, click here.

Element: Earth
Partners well with: Tiger & Horse
Characteristics: Loyal, sociable, courageous, diligent, steady, lively, adaptable, smart

Element: Water
Partners well with: Sheep & Rabbit
Characteristics: Honorable, philanthropic, determined, optimistic, sincere, sociable


Zodiac Sign Symbol Date Quick Characteristics
Aries (March 21 - April 19) Active, Demanding, Determined, Effective, Ambitious
Taurus (April 20 - May 19) Security, Subtle strength, Appreciation, Instruction, Patience
Gemini (May 20 - June 20) Communication, Indecision, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Changeable
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Emotion, Diplomatic, Intensity, Impulsive, Selective
Leo (July 23 - August 21) Ruling, Warmth, Generosity, Faithful, Initiative
Virgo (August 22 - September 22) Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful
Libra (September 23 - October 22) Balance, Justice, Truth, Beauty, Perfection
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Transient, Self-Willed, Purposeful, Unyielding
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Philosophical, Motion, Experimentation, Optimism
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Determination, Dominance, Perservering, Practical, Willful
Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) Knowledge, Humanitarian, Serious, Insightful, Duplicitous
Pisces (February 20 - March 20) Fluctuation, Depth, Imagination, Reactive, Indecisive


Aries - The Ram
March 21 – April 19
Aries people are creative, adaptive, and insightful. They can also be strong-willed and spontaneous (sometimes to a fault). Aries people can be driven and are very ambitious often making them over-achievers in anything they set their mind to tackle. Aries are fire signs, and so too is their personality. They may be quick to anger, but don’t take it personally, it’s just their fiery, passionate personalities showing through. Aries signs have excellent sense of humor, and they get along with almost everyone at the party (and they DO know how to party). Aries can be impatient, but we love them anyway because they are devoted friends, lovers and family members – they are loyal to then end and will fight for their causes (usually supporting the underdog). See symbolic meanings of the Ram here.

Taurus - The Bull
April 20 – May 19
Taurus zodiac signs and meanings, like the animal that represents them, is all about strength, stamina and will. Stubborn by nature, the Taurus will stand his/her ground to the bitter end (sometimes even irrationally so). But that’s okay because the Taurus is also a loving, sympathetic and appreciative sign. The Taurus is very understanding and when we need someone to unburden ourselves to, we often share our deepest fears with the Taurians of the zodiac. Taurians are very patient, practical and efficient, they are excellent in matters of business and are also wonderful instructors/teachers. Although they initially they may have their own best interest at heart, they are endlessly generous with their possessions

Gemini - The Twins
May 20 - June 20
Flexibility, balance and adaptability are the keywords for the Gemini. They are quick to grasp the meaning of a situation and act on it, often with positive effects. They tend to have a duality to their nature, and can sometimes be tough to predict how they will react. They can turn from hot to cold and may be prone to noticeable mood swings. However, they are generous signs with tendencies of being affectionate, and imaginative. They also inspire others easily as they seem to naturally motivate themselves – their charisma and accomplishments are infectious. Geminians are very supportive, and are especially good at promotions, sales, and driving hard bargains.

Cancer - The Crab
June 21 – July 22
Cancerians love home-life, family and domestic settings. They are traditionalists, and enjoy operating on a fundamental level. They love history, and are fascinated with the beginnings of things (heraldry, ancestry, etc.). The moon is their ruler, so they can be a bit of a contradiction and sometimes moody. However, they are conservative, so they’ll be apt to hide their moods from others altogether. They have a reputation for being fickle, but they’ll tell you that isn’t true, and it’s not. Cancerians make loyal, sympathetic friends. However Cancerians need alone time, and when they retreat, let them do so on their terms.

Leo - The Lion
July 23 – August 21
The zodiac signs and meanings of Leo is about expanse, power and exuberance. Leo’s are natural born leaders, and they will let you know it as they have a tendency to be high-minded and vocal about their opinions. That’s okay, because if you observe, the Leo is usually correct in his/her statements. Leo’s have a savvy way of analyzing a situation and executing swift judgment with a beneficial outcome. It comes from being a leader. They are brave, intuitive, and also head-strong and willful. Beneath their dynamic persona lies a generous, loving, sensitive nature that they do not easily share with others. They might be a bit bossy, but those who know them understand this comes from a source need to do good, not (usually) from an inflated ego.

Virgo - The Virgin
August 22 – September 22
Virgo’s have keen minds, and are delightful to talk with, often convincing others of outlandish tales with ease and charm. Virgo’s are inquisitive and are very skilled at drawing information from people. This trait also makes them naturally intuitive. Combine this with their remarkable memories, and we see an advanced, analytical personality. However the Virgo needs balance in their lives otherwise they may become short-tempered, impatient and self-serving. Virgo’s are excellent teammates in work and social activities. They work well with others, although they freely express their opinions (even when unwarranted).

Libra - The Scales
September 23 – October 22
As their zodiac signs and meanings would indicate, Libra’s are all about balance, justice, equanimity and stability. They easily surround themselves with harmony and beauty, but sometimes go to extremes to do so if their goals are unreasonable or unhealthy. With Venus as their ruling planet, Libra’s are very understanding, caring, and often the champion of underdogs. They have keen intuitions, but often don’t give themselves enough credit for their perceptions. They can be quiet and shy if not persuaded to come out of their shell. Ironically and in spite of their introverted nature they make excellent debaters, often proving a point from out of seemingly nowhere.

Scorpio - The( Scorpion
October 23 – November 21
The Scorpio is often misunderstood. These personalities are bold and are capable of executing massive enterprises with cool control and confidence. They can surmount seemingly all obstacles when they put their mind to the task, and they have unshakable focus when the situation calls for it. Regardless of their bold nature, they are often secretive, but they are always observing behind their withdrawn manner. Being associated with a solar animal, (the scorpion) they are not withdrawn for long, and when they come out again they do so with force, vigor and determination. It is true, Scorpio’s can be argumentative and pack a powerful sting, but that’s simply because they see all opposition as a healthy challenge.

Sagittarius - The Centaur
November 22 – December 21
Here we have the philosopher among the zodiac signs and meanings. Like the Scorpio, they have great ability for focus, and can be very intense. However, they must channel their energy or they will waste time and wear themselves out going in too many directions at once. They are not very patient and expect quick results. However, when encountered with failure they make extreme comeback’s often against incredible odds. They make loyal friends and lovers, but they do not handle commitment well as they refuse to be tied down while chasing philosophical pursuits.

Capricorn - The Goat
December 22 – January 21
Capricorn’s are also philosophical signs and are highly intelligent too. They apply their knowledge to practical matters, and strive to maintain stability and order. They are good organizers, and they achieve their goals by purposeful, systematic means. They are very intuitive, although they don’t share this trait with others freely. They do not deal well with opposition or criticism but a healthy Capricorn will often shrug off negative comments towards their character. They are patient and persevering – they know they can accomplish any task as long as they follow a their plan step-by-step. Capricorn’s have broad shoulders, and typically take on other’s problems with aplomb. Ironically, they rarely share their own problems and tend to go through bouts of inner gloom after a spell of dwelling on these problems.

Aquarius - The Water Bearer
January 21 – February 19
Often simple and unassuming, the Aquarian goes about accomplishing goals in a quiet, often unorthodox ways. Although their methods may be unorthodox, the results for achievement are surprisingly effective. Aquarian’s will take up any cause, and are humanitarians of the zodiac. They are honest, loyal and highly intelligent. They are also easy going and make natural friendships. If not kept in check, the Aquarian can be prone to sloth and laziness. However, they know this about themselves, and try their best to motivate themselves to action. They are also prone to philosophical thoughts, and are often quite artistic and poetic.

Pisces - The Fish
February 20 – March 20
Also unassuming, the Pisces zodiac signs and meanings deal with acquiring vast amounts of knowledge, but you would never know it. They keep an extremely low profile compared to others in the zodiac. They are honest, unselfish, trustworthy and often have quiet dispositions. They can be overcautious and sometimes gullible. These qualities can cause the Pisces to be taken advantage of, which is unfortunate as this sign is beautifully gentle, and generous. In the end, however, the Pisces is often the victor of ill circumstance because of his/her intense determination. They become passionately devoted to a cause – particularly if they are championing for friends or family.


Glitter Graphics

Fairy Glitter

Glitter Graphics

Fairy Glitters

Pink Butterfly

Glitter Graphics

Butterfly Glitter Pictures


Glitter Graphics

Butterfly Glitters

My Fairy Name

Your fairy is called Thorn Haildancer
She is a protector of the lonely.
She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes.
She is only seen when the bees swarm and the crickets chirrup.
She wears purple and green like berries and leaves. She has cheery turquoise wings like a butterfly.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Comedy Bar...CLOWNS (Ate Gay Jokes 2)

Comedy Bar...CLOWNS (Ate Gay Jokes)

Comedy Bar...PUNCHLINE (Dahil Ikaw)

Monday, July 21, 2008


please leave you comment

Comedy Bar....ZIRKOH (Beautiful Girls)

Comedy Bar....ZIRKOH (Low)


Sunday, July 20, 2008

FATHERS DAY VIDEO ( For the greatest dad )

INT'L TOUR VIDEO ( Kuya Chris and Ate Sheen )






Ocean Park Manila Video










Sunday, July 13, 2008



Its me and menchie

Me and daddy Rico

with my friend Menchie

Oceanarium the biggest in asia. features an assortment of colorful fishes and invertebrates indigenous to the Philippines and Southeast Asia contained in 12,000 cubic meters of seawater.

Friday, February 8, 2008

water rafting adventure